Saturday, January 8, 2011

Skin and Texture Modification

Notch, the lead developer of Minecraft, is open to people modding his game. Some types of modding require painful coding and rebuilding of the game. But the two things fully supported are skin and texture modification. Skin being the way the in-game avatar looks, and texture being the way each block and texture looks.
Skin Modification
The above link is a Minecraft skin generator. Deck it out, choose from face, outfit, accessories, hair etc. Once you're ready, hit generate new skin file and save it to your desktop. Now go to and hit the profile button. Once there, find the file and upload it. You're finished product should be there, hopping around looking a tad too joyful.

Texture Packs
Both of the above links are sites that offer texture packs. Be careful, there is a chance they may contain a virus. But once you have the file, load up the game menu. Now click the "Mods and Textures Pack" button. Upload the file there, and be filled with wonder at the awesome that is your new texture.

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