Monday, February 14, 2011
Spelunking Tips
-Firstly, you need a bucket of water. We all saw just how angry the Walrus got without his bucket..(see below). You'll need a bucket if you mine into a lava lake on accident. You'll need a bucket if you wish to collect obsidian. You'll need a bucket if you wish to take lava back to your base. Basically, no matter what, you need a bucket.
-Torches, and plenty of them. This should go without saying, but at bare minimum you need a full stack.
-Stone picks for exploring, trying to find a cave, steel when your down low looking for diamonds. This means only when near the core use steel.
-Lumber. Lumber. Lumber. If you need to make a makeshift forward base
The most important thing to do is insure you can navigate the cave effectively. Included in this is not getting lost. So, developing habits would be a great way to start this. Most will be personal, but there is a few that can be universally helpful. Firstly, when first entering an area, try to put all of your torches on the left side of a cave. So, you know you're going deeper in the cave when the torches are on your left, and you know you're exiting when you have torches on the right. Secondly, bring signs or some kind of block for marking dead ends. It'll aid you in not traversing the same part of the cave several times. For example, dirt could mean dead end, cobblestone means loop, or whatever system works for you. Alternatively, and much more easily, simply make a sign and name them what lies ahead.
Now, what your goal is while your down here is to collect resources, correct? But, there's some key things to ensure you get the maximum amount of resources while in the cave. The first thing to practice is always digging around an area when you find one iron. Iron spawns in clusters of 2-3 veins, which means after you find one, it's highly likely you can find another 3 or 4 nearby with little effort. Secondly, try to establish a makeshift base near the front of your cave. Bring lumber along and other essentials(see needed items list), to ensure you don't have to back up top to restock. Keep your cobblestone, gravel, and other non essentials in the chest here. Or, you can make more picks by crafting a worker's bench.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Community- Water and mining
I would like to submit some short tutorials in which i or someone else may upload photos later.
How to: Infinite Water
Some people love to build fancy inventions, with or without the InvEdit, or Inventory Editor. Either way, when you get so hyped up on water stuff, or other things, it can become a pain to keep saving and putting more items in and re-entering. Well, If you are one of those people, do i have the thing for you!
Infinite water: First dig a hole 1 block deep with it being 2×2. Next, place two buckets of water in the diagonal corners. Finally, Magic occurs. Have fun!
Quick Mineshaft Travel Part 1: Water Ladder
Ladders may help climbs increase in speed, but in deep deep tunnels they are slow and a bit under-efficient. If you want a faster way to climb out of holes, here is what you need:
Supplies: A Bucket of water, shovel, pickaxe, torches to place on the way down, and as many ladders as needed; Note: for part two of this, other supplies are needed).
1: First, you must know your directions in the game. Here is the easiest way. Look at a block of dirt. One edge will have one gray spot touching it, while the others don’t. That direction is west. Now, this ladder should only work facing west or south, but it may work otherwise(i still wouldnt take my chances).
[Editor's note: An alternative way of finding direction is finding where the sun sets and rises. It rises in the East, and sets in the West]
2: Dig a hole 1 block deep by 1×5. Then, in that hole, go to the North/East end, and build block deeper by 3 blocks of the 5. At the edge where the 2 ledge you created from digging the 3 in the 5 meets the 3 hole, put a ladder on the wall by it.
3:Then, get out of the hole, and place a bucket of water ,facing the ladder, on the 2 ledge. The ladder prevents the water from falling into the rest of the hole.
4: Then, dig down 2 more blocks in the three hole. Place a ladder below the first, skipping one ladder in between. Dig into the wall on the side of the ladder(ONLY next to the ladder not the whole wall) 2 blocks in and above the second block you dug out, 1 block up. Water will fall in the hole, and be stopped by the ladder again.
5: Repeat step 4 until satisfied with depth of hole.
6: Face the ladders on the wall and hit up. You travel very slowly. Now, face the water next to the ladders and hit up. Express lane baby!
Quick Mineshaft Travel Part 2: The Descent
Now that you can travel very quickly up Your Mineshaft, taking the ladder down is a drag. That is why the ladder hole was 3 not 1 in the end. Ingenuity. For this waterbreak fallshaft, you will need:
Supplies: 2 signs per waterbreak(one waterbreak about every 5 blocks about until the end), still water(found in inventory editor; not sure if buckets of water work), and one staircase, some glass(if using invedit go with 64 to be safe)
1: First, go the the wall at the end of the hole. If starting from the bottom, (I highly recommend to start as you build) look up three blocks. There is where you will place your water, but first, MAKE SURE THIS HOLE IS ONLY 1 BLOCK WIDE. Then, place a sign one under the third block up, and one to the side of it. Acting sortof as the ladder, this contains the water to prevent any spillage, or unnecessary flooding.
2: Place the water on the third block. It should be a suspended block(Look from under it is so awesome). This is what we call a waterbreak.
3: Repeat this process; Steps 1 + 2, every five or so blocks above the first one.
4: Go to the Surface of your tunnel. Create a staircase a block next to the top of the end of thr hole(where it is convenient)
5: Build a glass box around the staircase, making sure there is a 2 block gap for walking above the staircase and enclosing the hole with the waterbreaks.
6: Add any finishing touches like an enterance sign by the staircase.
7: Walk up the stairs, and walk into the hole with the waterbreaks. After this, don’t press any directional buttons until full descent so you don’t become unaligned with the waterbreaks. You will fall to the bottom, but because of the waterbreaks slowing down a little, you won’t die, or lose any hearts when you hit the bottom.
Submitted by Grady W.
[editor's note: I must commend this person on typing this out on an iPod/iPhone. I have only edited for grammatical errors, and have not added any extra content.]
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
On the Search for Diamonds
This is an extremely helpful tutorial on finding diamonds.
And here is the diamond finding theme song.
If you don't fancy videos, and would prefer a typed tutorial, here it goes. First things first, find out where level 64 is. You spawn on 64, and consider 64 your sea level. Now, diamonds spawn on level 1-16. But, there is much less diamonds near level 10 and down, and bedrock from level 1-5. So level 12 is your best bet.
So, the recommended technique would be to arrive at your intended level you'll be mining. Once, there, make a tunnel jetting out of it and set up a supply post with picks and anything else you'll need. Something you'll want to take note of here, the world is infinite, your time is not. So don't worry about using stone picks to clear stone. Just use iron the entire time, as you'll find plenty more to replenish your supply. Travel in straight lines will mining, then return back to the main tunnel when needing a resupply/straying to far away. Just follow these tips, and you'll have diamonds in no time!
..or just use invEdit